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Why the program is cleared again and I have to reinstall it and register?

Asked by
Ursel Ettel
2016/09/24 10:57
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I work with Firefox and Windows 10
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Answered by
Lokesh Yadav
2018/08/05 14:20
Hi Ursel,

Please follow the below steps to install Firefox.
  1. Visit this Firefox download page in any browser, such as Microsoft Internet Explorer.
  2. Click the Download Now button. The Firefox Installer that downloads will automatically offer you the best available version of Firefox for your computer. For example, if you have a 64-bit version of Windows, you are offered the 64-bit version of Firefox (details here).
    • If you use Microsoft Internet Explorer, a notification bar will appear at the bottom of the page with the options to run the installer or save the file to your computer. Click Run to start the process.
    • In other browsers, you may need to first save the Firefox installer to your computer, then open the file you downloaded.
      Note: If you see an Open File - Security Warning dialog, click Open or Run.
  3. The User Account Control dialog may open, to ask you to allow the Firefox Installer to make changes to your computer. If this dialog appears, click Yes to start the installation.
  4. Wait for Firefox to finish installing.
    Firefox-60-InstallerNote: The Firefox Installer may contain an Update or Re-install button and an option to restore default settings and remove add-ons, if a very outdated Firefox version or very old profile data is detected. Clear the checkbox to keep the old data and click Update or Re-install to start the installation.
  5. When the installation is complete, Firefox will open.
I hope this helps.



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